Hello, I'm Sarah

Hello!' I’m Sarah. I’m mum to my 3 furry cat babies - Missy, Kirky and Bubba and married to George, the most beautiful soul I’ve met. I'm a highly sensitive Empath, I think and feel deeply and am laid back, passionate and love to be silly and have fun!

I’m grateful every day to have unconditional love in my life, as for many years I didn’t; from myself or others.

Going back to my childhood, I went through various challenges, as many of us do. My parents had schizophrenia and at seven years old, I went to live with my Gran, as my mum was too unwell emotionally to look after me. Seeing my parents suffering emotionally and observing the judgements of society, caused me to also judge emotions as weak. I realise now, that I shut off my emotions as a protective mechanism, therefore closing my heart too.

Growing up, I was always driven and I put myself into university, studying Psychology. All of that changed in 2003, when, experiencing mental breakdown after losing my mum, it was as if the emotions I’d shut off, started to rise to the surface. It was scary. I felt helpless and lost. My pain became my motivator to heal and my soul’s purpose of helping others ignited, as a deep sense of empathy grew within me.

I’ve been on my healing journey for many years and I have found myself again. I’ve gone from having low esteem, being self-conscious, feeling unworthy and supersensitive, people pleasing and deep depression, to feeling confident, empowered and reconnecting to my true self, my soul.

I now look back and see clearly that my mental breakdown was actually a breakthrough and the re-awakening of my heart. The more I healed my heart, the more I connected to all the gifts that were within me of intuition, wisdom, unconditional love and a deep inner peace and trust in the universe.

This is where my passion comes from to help others and give to them what I wish I’d had.

I have learnt that community and real genuine connection are so important for us all, in fact it’s a human need. So, I created the Empaths and Sensitives Soul Sanctuary, to provide that real connection with like hearted souls. It brings me joy to see people supporting each other in the Sanctuary, giving support, encouragement, growing and healing together.

I’ve also learnt that trauma and lack of self-worth are caused by not being seen and heard with compassion, which is why I offer a divine presence to all I help. My heartfelt passion is to guide gentle souls to their own heaven on Earth and to help get rid of the mental health stigma. We’re human not robots, we all go through difficult emotions, it’s part of the human experience.

I’d love to help you on your journey to emotional fulfilment.

"A few random facts about me"

  • I lived in Egypt from 14-16 years old! 
  • I love nature and animals, a dream is to live by the sea one day
  • I’m serious when I need to be but am light hearted and love to be silly and unleash my inner child and have fun! 
  • I used to suffer from lymes disease and ME, 2 debilitating autoimmune illnesses that left me housebound and walking with a walking stick. I’m now recovered. Healing my emotions was the key to my recovery
  • I love adventures. One of my bucket list items is to go on a hot air balloon 
  • I have a gentle heart yet fiery passion! 
  • I can sometimes see dead people. Yep you heard it right! I can see, feel and hear them. Sounds weird but it’s a beautiful gift when you can bring comfort to someone who’s lost a loved one 
  • I’m spiritual yet my feet are firmly on the ground, I only learn through experience and my inner knowing 

You deserve to feel safe to be you, to be heard & respected

― Sarah Monreal

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